Entire Gaza Strip now at “high” risk of famine


Palestinians are being starved as Oxfam continues to reach people in need and to advocate for a permanent ceasefire.

A new report says about 95 percent of the population in Gaza face extreme hunger. Although the delivery of some humanitarian aid in recent months prevented a declaration of famine inside Northern Gaza, the situation remains dire for more than 2 million Palestinians across the region living under Israel’s siege and bombardment.

“Each day without a ceasefire, more lives will be lost,” said Sallay Abi Khalil, Oxfam’s Regional Director for the Middle East. “The clock is ticking.”

Oxfam continues to advocate for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages, and full humanitarian access to Gaza. Read more below about how you can support Oxfam and our local partner efforts to distribute cash, food, hygiene items and more to people in Gaza.

New food security report outlines increasingly fragile situation

The latest report on the hunger situation in Gaza from the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) finds that a “high” risk of famine exists across the whole Gaza Strip as the Israel-Hamas war continues and humanitarian access remains restricted.

More than 2.1 million people—about 95 percent of the population in the Gaza Strip—are projected to face dangerous levels of acute food insecurity through September of this year. Half a million people are now being starved, the worst of these conditions. To purchase food, more than half of all households reportedly had to exchange clothing for money.

“We need all hands on deck...,” said the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffith. “We fail them daily every time we're not able to get aid through to the people who need it.”

The situation in both Northern and Southern Gaza remains fluid. Back in February, the IPC projected possible famine in Northern Gaza by May. Then, Israel allowed food deliveries and nutrition services to the area, temporarily alleviating the harshest of conditions—and illustrating the power of humanitarian aid and access.

Conditions in Southern Gaza worsened after the start of Israel’s Rafah offensive in early May, which the report says has led to the displacement of more than 1 million Palestinians. Disruptions and closures of key border crossings in the south have also reduced humanitarian access to more than 2 million people in the area.

Oxfam continues to reach Palestinians in crisis

Despite extraordinarily difficult conditions, Oxfam and our local partners in Gaza are managing to provide lifesaving humanitarian assistance to those in need.

Together we have so far reached more than 335,000 people (47 percent children, 27 percent women, and 26 percent men) with food assistance, shelter, clean water, as well as sanitation and hygiene services and other essentials. Some of this support has reached people with disabilities, and includes specialized support for women and children.

Oxfam and local partners have been delivering water to those in need in Gaza City. For 120 days, we're supporting the displaced families in Al-Rimal neighborhood by providing drinking water in six centers and non-potable water in nine centers. Photo: Ismael Snonou/Oxfam

Along with our partners, we have made cash and voucher distributions into Northern Gaza, distributed dignity kits and mother and baby kits; and provided clean drinking water to more than 44,000 people in Rafah.

We are anticipating the delivery of another 3,000 hygiene kits, nearly 300 winterization kits, and another 1,000 latrine slabs to continue constructing bathrooms. We hope to reach as many as 712,000 people with assistance as we explore ways to gain increased access to Northern Gaza.

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