Give monthly

Join our community of monthly donors working for equal rights and opportunities—now and for the long term. The Oxfam Partners program is a big-hearted community of monthly givers who believe that the fight to end inequality, poverty, and injustice is not going to happen overnight. Through their monthly donations, this group provides the financial stability to ensure that Oxfam is ready to respond immediately to save lives whenever and wherever disaster strikes, while also tackling the root causes of poverty for the long term through aid and advocacy.


Create a better future

Each month Oxfam Partners make a lasting difference in the fight against poverty, hunger, and injustice. Your reliable support ensures that we can help farmers as they find more efficient ways to feed their families, work with women to start small businesses, give communities the tools they need to build resilience before disasters strike, and more. Every monthly gift holds the promise of a brighter future for families in poverty—and shows your personal commitment to building a world where no one has to go to bed hungry.

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Why give monthly?

Your gift goes further to help people living in poverty—and using your credit card for monthly giving means we won't have to send you reminders, so more of your donation will support our life-changing programs. Giving monthly is easy and convenient, and we’ll keep you posted on the progress we're making with quarterly Impact updates and our OXFAMCloseup magazine. We'll also send you a year-end tax receipt.

Give monthly