

Our change makers are excited to speak with you about our life saving programs and how YOU can join our OxFamily by becoming a monthly donor!

Who are Oxfam Change Makers?

Our Oxfam Change Makers are a team of energized professional fundraisers, who engage with the general public to empower those who can become an Oxfam partner.

They galvanize and raise vital funds, bringing awareness to support programs such as climate change, clean water, natural disaster relief, serving vulnerable populations and much more!

Our Change Makers can instantaneously answer your questions about important issues, that matter to you. We invite you into our Oxfam community ( Oxfamily) to end the injustice of poverty, by raising funds that will sustainably impact millions around the world!


Operational Safety

Safety during COVID-19

Our world has been significantly impacted by COVID-19. We prioritize your safety and that of our team by following all CDC, state, local, and federal guidelines. We have enforced a strict safety policy and best practices to ensure we are keeping our Oxfam Change Makers and the public safe, during these times. They have been trained to sanitize their mobile tablets and other work materials. Using social distance mats, we adhere a 6 foot distance to those we engage with. Our Change Makers wear PPE including face shields, face masks, hand sanitizers and gloves.

We have introduced contactless payment technology to secure donations. Our leave behind materials have been suspended, so we are operating in a fully contactless/socially distant capacity. As part of our safety processes, we also monitor local Covid case trends, ensuring we are only operating in areas we deem safe.

In addition, we conduct a health and temperature check of each Change Maker at the start of each shift. Thorough training is given on how to keep themselves, colleagues and public safe. We will continue to pivot and modify our training and processes following any new CDC, state, local and federal guidelines as they become available.

Frequently Asked Questions

All my questions were answered and was comfortable with the sign up process.


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Wall of Fame

Find your selfie with our Change Maker team and share it with your family & friends! Thank you for donating to Oxfam!

Click here

What is it like working as a Change Maker with Oxfam?

"I love working for Oxfam because of the inclusive culture and our sustainable approach to fighting poverty. I personally love working at Oxfam because I've lived through poverty myself in the Dominican Republic, and it's my way of giving back in a major way. I am inspired that we are a "Family." - Change Maker, City Manager

Would you like to become an Oxfam Change Maker? Email us your contact details to learn more: Apply Now