What is famine? Causes and effects and how to stop it

Gaza City destruction
Ongoing in conflict in Gaza has damaged buildings and homes in al Rimal district in Gaza. Marwan Sawwaf/Alef Multimedia/ Oxfam

From Gaza to Sudan, people facing famine are hungry and need urgent aid to survive.

When a global report last week revealed that almost 500,000 people in Gaza are now facing starvation, it was another frightening call to action. In half of households, people reported often that they had no food to eat in the house.

"We need all hands on deck...," said the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffith. “We fail them daily every time we're not able to get aid through to the people who need it."

At Oxfam, we’ve been focused on the fight to end hunger since our founding. So, we’re going to define what exactly is famine, what causes it, share an example of a famine, and explain how people like you can help stop famine in its tracks.

What does famine mean?

According to researchers Dan Maxwell and Nisar Majid, famine is “an extreme crisis of access to adequate food.” Visible in “widespread malnutrition” and “loss of life due to starvation and infectious disease,” famine robs people of their dignity, equality, and for some—their lives.

So how do we know a famine is occurring? The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, or IPC, is a common global scale that informs how governments and aid groups should respond when people lose reliable access to sufficient, affordable, and nutritious food. It’s a five-phase warning system to inspire urgent action before it’s too late.

For a famine to exist in a given area—Phase 5 of the acute food insecurity scale—three conditions, backed by evidence, must be met:

  • 1 in 5 households faces an extreme food shortage

  • More than 30 percent of children are “acutely malnourished,” a nutritional deficiency that results from inadequate energy or protein intake

  • Death rates exceed two adults or four children per day for every 10,000 people

As of right now, famine has not yet been declared in Gaza. But according to the IPC, there is a “high” risk of famine across the whole Gaza Strip and about 95 percent of the population faces extreme food insecurity.

Said Abdi Duale and his family sit down with Oxfam staff. They live in a camp supporting people who have fled their homes in the Sanaag región of Somaliland. "First we had people, family, we had animals. We used the animals for eating, for cooking, for selling the milk, for everything. Now we don't have anything and the drought caused the death of all the animals which we had." Photo: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam Intermón

What causes a famine?

Famines are caused by multiple factors. Since 2020, a deadly combination of conflict, COVID-19, and climate change has dramatically increased the number of people suffering from severe hunger. When compounded by inaction or policy decisions that make people more vulnerable, famine can result and society can collapse.

In Gaza, many challenges are putting people on the brink of famine:

  • Following the attack by Palestinian armed militants on October 7, Israel’s bombardment of Gaza has resulted in widespread damage to assets and infrastructure critical for health and food production and distribution.

  • Israel’s tightening of the siege on Gaza and systematic denial of humanitarian access to and within the Gaza Strip continues to impede the safe and equitable delivery of lifesaving humanitarian assistance.

  • Aid workers in Gaza are being killed and are unable to safely deliver humanitarian aid.

Political scientist Alex de Waal calls famine a political scandal, a “catastrophic breakdown in government capacity or willingness to do what [is] known to be necessary to prevent famine.” When governments fail to prevent or end conflict—or help families prevent food shortages brought on by any reason—they fail their own people.

What is an example of a famine?

The 1984 famine in Ethiopia took the lives of 1 million people, driven in part by drought, conflict, and the policy choices of national and regional authorities. Estimates suggest around 1 million people survived thanks to the delivery of humanitarian aid.

On the evening of Tuesday, October 23, 1984, NBC Nightly News aired footage taken by an Ethiopian videographer that showed scores of deceased people on stretchers that were being taken toward makeshift graveyards. Though the scenes inspired a robust international response, the nature of that response overlooked the capacity of communities affected by the famine to help themselves.

By the next morning, Oxfam America had received over 300 calls an hour from people like you who wanted to help. During the relief effort, feeding centers provided hungry people with food rations. Makeshift hospitals supported severely dehydrated people with IVs, providing shots of tetracycline to fight infection. Oxfam delivered protein and fat-fortified biscuits to those in need that saved many lives, but some could not eat them, as their mouths were riddled with open sores because of dehydration.

“These scenes of death and dying in the famine camps in Ethiopia were beyond the American experience, beyond anyone’s comprehension,” recalls Bernie Beaudreau, an Oxfam staffer at the time.

Ali Shire Omar used to be a pastoralist before the worsening droughts in Somalia killed off most of his livestock. With Oxfam's help, he was able to start farming with the help of a greenhouse and access to a functional water well. "It is a good thing to help people in need," he said. "I personally believe it is a win for the community." Photo: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam Intermón

Can famine be stopped?

Famine can be stopped—now, and in the long term. But governments and aid groups must anticipate a worsening hunger crisis, secure the resources and political will to address the root causes of hunger, and safely deliver humanitarian aid to those most in need.

In Gaza and countries like Somalia, Yemen, Ethiopia, and Madagascar, Oxfam is working to reduce the likelihood of famine with people like you. Here are some ways you can support Oxfam’s work:

  • Providing clean water
    • Stomach ailments from dirty water rob people of good nutrition from whatever food they can find, and young children are particularly vulnerable. That’s why Oxfam helps improve and repair wells to access clean water as well as trucks in water to areas where there is none.

  • Encouraging proper sanitation
    • Good sanitation and hygiene are essential for preventing the spread of diseases like cholera, Ebola, and COVID-19, which are especially deadly leading up to and during famines. Oxfam helps construct latrines and distributes hygiene items like soap so people can wash their hands.

  • Distributing food
    • When food is available in markets, but might be scarce or very expensive for some, Oxfam distributes cash to help buy food. Oxfam also distributes emergency food rations when necessary.

  • Planting crops
  • Building resilience over the long-term
    • We help build the capacity of local organizations to respond to emergencies like famine, shifting power from international organizations to leaders rooted in local know-how. We promote the leadership of our local partners and boost their skills to reduce suffering, risks, and losses by preparing their own communities before disasters strike.

  • Advocating with and for communities
    • Oxfam and our supporters advocate for the resolution of conflicts and push for sufficient assistance for people affected by war and famine. Our research and advocacy also advance sustainable development in ways that help reduce the risk of future food crises and disasters.

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