Annual reports

  1. Annual report

    Annual Report 2017

    More than any year we can think of, this one—fiscal year 2017—highlighted for us the urgency of all that we do here at Oxfam, and all that you, our donors, do to make that essential work possible.

  2. Annual report

    Annual report 2016

    In fiscal year 2016, Oxfam America recorded our highest dollar investment in program services in our history. The primary drivers for this increase were the devastating earthquakes in Nepal in April 2015 and our response to the tragic global refugee crisis.

  3. Annual report

    Annual Report 2015

    As people living in poverty face growing inequality, civil unrest, market volatility, and natural disasters driven by climate change, Oxfam remains steadfast in its commitment to lasting change.

  4. Annual report

    Annual Report 2014

    Over the past year, we have witnessed heartbreaking tragedies and the effects of power imbalances around the world and here in the United States. Whether caused by nature, by violence, or by greed, all require action. Oxfam America is taking action and—through the efforts of many—we are making a difference.

  5. Annual report

    Annual Report 2013

    Oxfam America distinguishes itself because we ask the right questions. We ask hard questions. Not just of the US government, corporations, and political leaders in the countries where we work—but of our partners around the globe and, most important, of ourselves. We also pursue answers vigorously and develop innovative approaches to reducing poverty. This year has been no exception.

  6. Annual report

    Annual Report 2011-2012

    As we look to the next decade, we must reflect on the challenges we see and ask: Are we fit for purpose for what lies ahead? But, perhaps most important, we see a way forward. We do not accept that injustice is inevitable. Although we are grappling with thorny issues as part of a confederation-wide planning process, this year we will put the finishing touches on our strategic plan for the coming decade.

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