Organize a dining hall fast


Are you a student looking for a way to help? If your high school or university offers prepaid meal plans, consider holding an Oxfam dining hall fast. It’s an easy way to reach lots of students and raise funds to benefit Oxfam’s work.

Dining halls on most campuses are operated by a food service company that contracts with the school to prepare and serve students’ meals. On the day of your dining hall fast, you and a group of like-minded students agree to give up one meal, and the food service company agrees to donate a percentage of the cost of that meal to Oxfam. These small donations add up—and get big results. Find step-by-step instructions in our menu of event ideas.

We’ve put together plenty of free materials to help you host an event in your community.

Tools & downloads

  1. Tools for activists

    How to take action: Organizing in your community

    Taking action at the grassroots can make a difference at the global level. From meeting with lawmakers to making news, this guide covers all that you need to know.

  2. Tools for activists

    How to get started: A menu of ideas

    Want to do something to fight poverty and hunger, but don't know where to start? Explore this list of time-tested action ideas for individuals and groups.

  3. Tools for activists

    How to fundraise for Oxfam: Frequently asked questions

    Community-driven efforts like yours provide essential support for fighting poverty and responding to disasters worldwide. Check out these questions and answers to help you get started.
