COVID-19 Conversation Series: The Power of People Against Hunger
In our deeply unequal world, millions of people live in and die from hunger each year. This crisis is not about a lack of food – it is a symptom of a broken system. The coronavirus pandemic adds fuel to this fire, threatening to push millions more into starvation and death by the end of the year. In these unprecedented times, it is crucial that we act now to build back better food systems for the future. In this 1-hour session you'll learn firsthand how your support makes a difference in transforming the response to global hunger.
Featuring Oxfam Food Systems Director Laté Lawson-Lartego.
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COVID-19 CONVERSATION SERIES: Best States to Work During COVID-19
When the coronavirus pandemic shattered the US economy, the federal response was slow and halting. As workers around the country pushed for greater protections, some states shored up safety nets to catch families at the risk of falling, while others failed to respond at all.
We invite you to meet with our staff for a conversation about Oxfam's research on the different ways each state is providing assistance to its residents, and our partner programs that are supporting communities in the US through the pandemic.
Featuring staff from Oxfam's US Domestic Policy Team, Sr. Research Advisor Kaitlyn Henderson and Sr. Advocacy Advisor Alexandre Galimberti.
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COVID-19 CONVERSATION SERIES: Local Leadership and Decolonizing Recovery
Tune in to a special, one-hour session of our COVID-19 Conversation Series about Local Humanitarian Leadership and building back better for the future. As we at Oxfam acknowledge and reflect on the racist and colonialist roots of humanitarian response, we’ll highlight our vision of a globally equitable recovery from COVID-19–one that centers the needs, skills, and capacities of our partners. Join us to learn about the impact we’re making together through a different model of humanitarian aid.
Featuring Oxfam staff Janice Ian C. Manlutac, Local Humanitarian Leadership Advisor and Fatema Sumar, Vice President of Global Programs.
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Those living in camps for refugees and displaced people, as well as people held detention centers, are at particularly high risk in the COVID-19 pandemic. In honor of World Refugee Day, join us for this 30-minute session to hear about the factors that put these people a greater risk of getting sick. We discuss the impact of Oxfam’s work slowing the spread of the coronavirus in Cox’s Bazar, where about 855,000 Rohingya refugees live, and our ongoing campaigns pressuring Congress to protect the rights of undocumented and asylum-seeking families at the US-Mexico border during the pandemic.
Featuring: Oxfam staff Isra Chaker, migration and protection campaign lead, and Dipankar Datta, Bangladesh country director
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With COVID-19 disrupting production and access to food around the world, experts are sounding the alarm about another looming catastrophe—a hunger crisis. Join us to discuss how the pandemic disrupts the global food supply chain, existing challenges to food access that have been exposed by today's crisis, and what Oxfam and partners are doing to protect food supply chain workers, including advocating for the safety of meat workers in the US.
Featuring: Oxfam staff Lilian Nkengla, senior agriculture and markets advisor, and Oliver Gottfried, senior campaigns advisor
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In this fourth episode of Oxfam’s COVID-19 Conversation Series, we examine the coronavirus's impact on women and girls, both domestically and internationally. You’ll learn how this pandemic has exposed and further intensified existing gender inequalities and system limitations and provide an update on Oxfam’s gender-just response to this crisis.
Featuring: Oxfam staff Joi Owens, senior policy officer in Mississippi and Dr. Husnia Alkadri, gender program coordinator in Yemen
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COVID-19 CONVERSATION SERIES: Climate Justice in a Public Health Crisis
Join us for a dialogue regarding how the coronavirus pandemic is exacerbating climate injustice. With a spotlight on Puerto Rico, we’ll discuss the wider body of climate-related work, including what COVID-19 reveals about the climate crisis, how increased risk factors from climate change create obstacles to protecting vulnerable people, and how Oxfam is adapting its work to support those most in need.
Featuring: Oxfam staff Lauren Stuart, associate policy advisor and María Concepción, program manager in Puerto Rico
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Essential work = essential worker
Essential workers have been on the front line in the face of this pandemic, and have felt the most damaging impact. They deserve proper protections and compensation, as well as dignity and a voice on the job. Join this dynamic conversation with workers, activists, community organizers, health and safety experts, and legislators who are leading efforts to ensure essential workers have the rights, safety, and dignity they deserve.
Featuring: US Congressman Ro Khanna, (D-Calif.); Ai-Jen Poo, co-founder and executive director of National Domestic Workers Alliance; Tefere Gebre, executive vice president of The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations; David Michaels, professor at George Washington University, served as the United States Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health; and Ana Avendaño, senior immigrant rights advisor at Oxfam America
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Who Cares During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
People around the world are feeling the pressures of caring for children and other loved ones without paid care services and the support of extended family and social networks. Due to decades of disinvestment and discriminatory policies, many families' care and support needs were unmet before the pandemic. The loss of normal care structures has pushed many already-marginalized families to the brink. Join us for a dynamic conversation with caregivers, experts, and activists who are leading the way to a more gender-just economy that supports all people in meeting their care responsibilities.
Featuring: C. Nicole Mason, president and CEO of Institute for Women's Policy Research; Joi Owens, senior Gulf Coast policy officer at Oxfam America; Katherine Gallagher Robbins, director of child care and early education at Center for Law and Social Policy; Sherry Leiwant, co-founder and co-president of A Better Balance; and Kimberly Pfeifer, research director at Oxfam America.
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COVID-19’s Disproportionate Impact on Black Communities: Coronavirus and the Deep South
Organized by Oxfam America, in partnership with the Urban League, Mississippi NAACP, and the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, this webinar explores the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus on Black communities in the Deep South. Please join us for a conversation led by multiple community leaders discussing race, inequalities, public health, and necessary structural and policy change.
Featuring: Abby Maxman, president and CEO of Oxfam America; Harry Lennix, actor; Melanie Campbell, president & CEO of National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, convener, Black Women’s Roundtable; Marc Morial, president and CEO, Urban League; Corey Wiggins, executive director of Mississippi NAACP; Dr. Corey Hebert, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine; and Joi L. Owens, Esq., Gulf Coast senior policy advisor, Oxfam America
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COVID-19 CONVERSATION SERIES: Exposing our Unequal Systems
In this second episode of Oxfam’s COVID-19 Conversation Series, we consider the inequalities that different communities face when it comes to battling the coronavirus pandemic and Oxfam’s response in supporting these communities. This webinar offers a conversation delving into the inequity associated with the coronavirus, as it disproportionately impacts communities already subject to the injustices of inequitable institutions and social structures.
Featuring: Oxfam staff Fatema Sumar, vice president of global programs; Telley Madina, Gulf Coast senior policy officer; and Laila Barhoum, policy and campaigns officer in Gaza
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The Federal Stimulus and its Application in Puerto Rico
Organized by Boricuas Unidos en la Diáspora, this webinar includes a conversation discussing the needs of communities and small businesses in Puerto Rico as the island recovers from natural disasters during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Featuring: Dr. Adi Martínez-Roman, J.S.D., senior policy analyst on Puerto Rico for Oxfam America; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, US Representative; Ramphis Castro, entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist; Nerma Albertorio, founder and executive director for the Center for Entrepreneurs; Mairym Ramos-Salinas, area director of Puerto Rico for SEIU; Arturo Massol, executive director of Town House; and Manuel Natal, Puerto Rico Representative
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How Undocumented Immigrants are Organizing for Justice
Join Oxfam America as we examine the impact of COVID-19 on undocumented people, what that means for the United States in terms of equity, justice, workers’ rights, and public health, and how communities are responding to the crisis.
Featuring: Abby Maxman, president and CEO of Oxfam America; Erika Andiola, chief advocacy officer of RAICES; Chris Newman, general counsel for National Day Laborer Organizing Network; Neidi Dominguez, Mijente co-founder, labor and community organizer; Magaly Urdiales, co-director of Western North Carolina Workers’ Center; and Rishi Manchanda, MD MPH, HealthBegins president
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Nosotros: Separate but Together – Disabled Puerto Ricans
Part of a series organized by National Coalition for Latinxs with Disabilities (CNLD), this webinar includes a conversation on how the Puerto Rican disability community is being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, and national policies on the island and mainland.
Featuring: Yessica M. Guardiola Marrero, Esq., co-founder of CNLD and Dr. Adi Martínez-Roman, J.S.D., senior policy analyst on Puerto Rico for Oxfam America
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COVID-19 in Puerto Rico and NGO Actions
Part of a larger action dialogue series organized by Filantropía Puerto Rico, this webinar introduces viewers to leaders from community groups and NGOs who provide us with an update on what’s happening on the ground in Puerto Rico and the current needs of society’s most vulnerable. We will also hear ideas on how to help communities develop action plans that meet collective goals.
Featuring: Fatema Z. Sumar, vice president of global programs for Oxfam America; María Concepción, program manager of Puerto Rico for Oxfam America; Nayda Bobonis Cabrera, public policy coordinator for Furia; Amárilis Pagán Jiménez, executive director of Proyecto Matria; and Tania Rosario Méndez, executive director of Taller Salud
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COVID-19 CONVERSATION SERIES: Humanitarian Response and Advocacy Update
In this first episode of the conversation series, we hear about Oxfam’s immediate response to the global epidemic. Tune in to hear examples of our work here in the United States and around the globe.
Featuring: Oxfam staff Abby Maxman, president and CEO; Mary Babic, manager of US domestic programs, and Noah Gottschalk, humanitarian policy lead