2024 Presidential Election Debate Bingo

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Illustration: Sandy Stowe/Oxfam

Oxfam’s bingo card includes topics we hope are addressed by the candidates and phrases we expect will come up. Play along as you watch the debate.

You might be wondering, what does the presidential debate have to do with Oxfam? Inequality is on the ballot and the 2024 elections will be a decisive moment for a range of issues that are core to Oxfam’s mission.

Will the candidates hit on inequality and the issues areas that are on our mind? Or will the candidates throw around distractions? We’ve included a mix of our core issues—economic justice and equal rights, climate action, women’s rights and gender justice, corporate accountability, and supporting people in crisis—and light-hearted phrases on this bingo card.

Download and print to play with others

We have designed four different versions, so you can download, print, and pass these around at watch parties. Or play along on your phone by taking a screenshot of the version below.

We at Oxfam had fun putting this game together. But make no mistake, we know that this election is no joke. The choices we make at the ballot box will have ramifications in the U.S. and on global policies. It is our responsibility as citizens of the world to act with our votes to advance justice and equality for all.

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