Tools for activists

  1. Tools for activists

    How to host an Oxfam Jam

    Five easy steps to a successful event.

  2. Tools for activists

    Farmers' market action guide

    Resources for Oxfam volunteers

  3. Tools for activists

    How to take action: Organizing in your community

    Taking action at the grassroots can make a difference at the global level. From meeting with lawmakers to making news, this guide covers all that you need to know.

  4. Tools for activists

    How to host a house party

    A house party is a fun way to take action with friends and family. This guide includes everything you'll need to plan a successful event.

  5. Tools for activists

    How to get started: A menu of ideas

    Want to do something to fight poverty and hunger, but don't know where to start? Explore this list of time-tested action ideas for individuals and groups.

  6. Tools for activists

    How to fundraise for Oxfam: Frequently asked questions

    Community-driven efforts like yours provide essential support for fighting poverty and responding to disasters worldwide. Check out these questions and answers to help you get started.

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