World Food Day 2020

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Tuzamurane cooperative members in Eastern Rwanda Aurelie Marrier d'Unienville/Oxfam

The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything – including what and how we eat. Some people faced long lines at supermarkets, others couldn’t buy food at all. Favorite restaurants were shut down. With street and food markets closed, many producers couldn’t sell their produce. Countless family meals were missed, and millions have been pushed into hunger. 

Throughout all of this, farmers and food workers, were the true heroes, toiling on the front lines in fields and factories to provide food. But all too often they worked in dangerous conditions for poverty pay, especially women – despite giant food companies making millions in profits. 

The pandemic showed how we’re all connected, and how no one’s safe until we’re all safe. This World Food Day – October 16 – take a moment to share your gratitude for the food you eat and the people who produce it. Together we can build a world where everyone has enough to eat and can work and live in dignity.

About World Food Day

On Oct. 16, 1945, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations was founded, built upon "its belief that the goal of freedom from want of food, suitable and adequate for the health and strength of all people can be achieved." Celebrated around the world, World Food Day honors that day and our commitment to defeating hunger.

Read more about Oxfam's work on food, farming, and hunger