Fight to end world hunger

Last year, 258 million people experienced extreme levels of hunger—a daunting illustration of growing inequality.

World hunger is an issue we have the power to solve. Globally we produce more than enough food to feed everyone. Yet each night, about one in every 10 people go to bed on an empty stomach. Women and children in particular bear the brunt of the hunger crisis.

To prevent future suffering, we must deliver food and aid to those who need it now while simultaneously tackling the root causes of hunger.

Every person deserves equal access to nutritious food so they can thrive.

Sign your name to tell lawmakers that urgent action is needed to save lives.
It’s time to invest in a more sustainable and secure food system for everyone.

(358683) Nasri Hamdi Abdulahi at the sorghum field

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End world hunger

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You just did something powerful!

By raising your voice to demand President Biden and Congress take bold action to advance food security, you have joined the global movement to take us closer to our vision of zero hunger.

Oxfam is working tirelessly to fight inequality to end extreme poverty and injustice by urging our leaders to invest in a more food-secure world, and we can’t do it without supporters like you.

If you’re ready to take the next step in this fight, please make a contribution to help power our work to fight back against hunger, poverty, and injustice in the year ahead.

Donate to Oxfam >>

Click on the following links to learn more about world hunger and famine and the East Africa hunger crisis.

Thanks for being part of this movement to create a more equal future.

Donate to Oxfam America

Message to President Biden and Members of Congress:

Hunger is a fundamental violation of human dignity, and it is a challenge that transcends borders and ideologies. Living in a world of plenty, it is unacceptable to idly stand by while one in every 10 people go to bed on an empty stomach. Oxfam, and a global community of supporters, are calling upon you to invest in a more sustainable and secure food system for everyone.

The U.S. must increase its support for sustainable and long-term solutions to food insecurity. This includes:

  • expanding funding for life-saving food aid
  • investing in agriculture and rural development
  • improving access to education and health services
  • and addressing the impacts of climate change on food systems.

Investing in a food-secure future would save lives by ensuring that everyone has access to adequate food. In a world without hunger, everyone can thrive, not just survive. We urge you to invest in food security so no one has to experience hunger.