Tax the Ultrawealthy: Sign the Petition

It's time for the wealthiest pay their fair share.

Extreme wealth concentration is at a record high in the United States and the racial wealth gap is close to what it was in 1950.

But the solution is simple: We need to establish a wealth tax on the world’s wealthiest individuals. A modest tax would raise many billions of dollars that could help lift people out of poverty, advance racial justice, address the climate crisis, fund childcare and create well paying jobs.

Sign your name and demand that President Biden and Congress make multi-millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share by implementing a tax on extreme wealth.

Tax the Ultrawealthy

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Tax the Ultrawealthy

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Thank you for demanding our leaders make the ultrawealthy pay their fair share of taxes. By taking this action you’re part of the global movement to end the enduring inequalities that are driving poverty and suffering here in the US and around the globe.

If you’re ready to take the next step in this fight, make a contribution to help power our work to fight back against hunger, poverty, and injustice in the year ahead.

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Message to President Biden and Members of Congress:

Historic inequality endangers our democracy. We need a wealth tax NOW.

Decades of tax cuts for the richest and corporations have fueled inequality, with the poorest people paying higher tax rates than billionaires.

Oxfam is calling upon President Biden and Congress to enact a wealth tax on the ultrawealthy—the multi-millionaires and billionaires who have accumulated absurd sums of wealth while so many in this country continue to suffer.

Wealth taxes on the ultrawealthy could advance racial justice, lift people out of poverty, address the climate crisis, fund childcare, and create well-paying jobs.

We urge you to make the ultrawealthy pay their fair share of taxes through a wealth tax.