Oxfam: “Xenophobic and counterproductive policies” don’t belong in supplemental funding package


In response to the inclusion of a border security deal that would effectively eviscerate the right to seek asylum in the national security supplemental, Gina Cummings, Vice President of Advocacy, Alliances & Policy at Oxfam America, a global organization fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice, said:

“Following President Biden’s disappointing and harmful statements embracing failed policies that would endanger people seeking asylum in this country, the anti-immigrant framework for the supplemental funding package announced today is disastrous and unacceptable. It is a package of xenophobic and counterproductive policies that would: gut access to asylum and harm people fleeing persecution who are seeking safety in this country; sow chaos at the border and throughout the region; and increase opportunity for cartels to prey on migrants. It has effectively created Title 42 all over again, doubling down on the worst abuses of the Trump Administration. It is unconscionable that Congress is using the lives, dignity and rights of people arriving at our border as a political bargaining chip. Congress must not pass a supplemental funding package that includes these extremist policies. Instead, it has a responsibility to support serious and thoughtful ways to improve our immigration system, rather than punish those seeking safety.”

Oxfam is a global organization that fights inequality to end poverty and injustice. We offer lifesaving support in times of crisis and advocate for economic justice, gender equality, and climate action. We demand equal rights and equal treatment so that everyone can thrive, not just survive. The future is equal. Join us at oxfamamerica.org.


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