Logos for print and digital use

The Oxfam logo may appear in Oxfam green, black, or white "knock out" against a dark background (such as black or Oxfam green).

File format

For professional printing, download the print, vector EPS file. For web, other on-screen, and Microsoft Office applications, download the web/screen, PNG file.

Please do not attempt to link directly to these files from your own website.

Press contacts

Lauren Hartnett
Manager of Media Relations, Humanitarian
New York, NY
Cell: (203) 247-3920
Email: [email protected]

Karelia Pallan
Media Officer
Washington, DC
Cell: (202) 329-8283
Email: [email protected]

Shelby Bolen
Media Officer
Washington, DC
Office: (949) 677-3807
Email: [email protected]

Kateryne Velazco
Washington, DC
Cell: (971) 704-4835
Email: [email protected]

Elizabeth Bibi
Director of Media Relations
New York, NY
Cell: (914) 874-6865
Email: [email protected]