Something is rotten at Whole Foods

Oxfam worked with artist Craig Winslow to project a message onto Whole Foods' headquarters in Austin, Texas, to say we will not stand for human suffering in our food. Photo: Becky Davis

We’re asking you to take action to ensure food workers are treated and paid fairly.

Workers around the world who produce the food Whole Foods sells are suffering serious human rights abuses, and Whole Foods and Amazon are ignoring the problem. The supermarket recently ranked second to last on our Behind the Barcodes scorecard, which looked at issues around transparency and treatment of workers in their global supply chains. Whole Foods is long past due to take responsibility for these violations of worker rights. And we need your help to make them take notice.

We’ve launched a week of action to let Whole Foods know we care about where our food comes from, and that we want the people who produce the food we buy to be treated fairly. We kicked things off last week with a series of light projections by artist Craig Winslow that were cast onto Whole Foods' headquarters and Whole foods stores in Austin, Texas, during South by Southwest.

This light projection from artist Craig Winslow highlights the condition of workers who produce the food on Whole Foods' shelves. Photo: Becky Davis/Oxfam

This week, we are asking you to let Whole Foods and Amazon know that we’re on to them, and that we won’t rest until workers’ rights are respected. You can take action in several ways: You can call your nearest Whole Foods store, or call Whole Foods or Amazon headquarters, or you can deliver a letter to a Whole Foods store manager in person.

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