
The right to decide: Free prior informed consent in Ghana

This report examines community participation in decisions around mining in Ghana, with a particular focus on the principle of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent both in policy and practice.

This report by Ghanaian civil society organizations WACAM (Wassa Association of Communities Affected by Mining)and CEPIL (Center for Public Interest Law) examines community participation in mining decisions in Ghana, with particular attention to the principle of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC). FPIC requires that project-affected communities be adequately informed in a timely manner about projects that affect them and be given the opportunity to approve or reject a project prior to its commencement.

This report provides background on the application of the FPIC principle in international law, as well as information on its evolution in policy in West Africa in particular. In Ghana, the report reviews national laws relevant to the principle of community consultation and FPIC, and presents the results of field work assessing community participation in decision making around mining. The report highlights good practices from consent-seeking processes globally, and includes recommendations for policy makers.



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