
R4 Rural Resilience Initiative

Quarterly report | July - September 2013

R4 refers to the four risk management strategies that the initiative integrates to enable farmers to strengthen the communities’ food and income security through a combination of improved resource management (risk reduction), insurance (risk transfer), microcredit (prudent risk taking), and savings (risk reserves). R4 has successfully expanded HARITA in Ethiopia and has initiated the implementation in Senegal.

In Ethiopia, this agricultural season, R4 exceeded its goal of reaching 19,000 farmers by successfully extending its insurance services to more than 20,000 households in 80 villages including a pilot village in a new region- Amhara. In Senegal, R4 continued its first season of pilot implementation during the 2013 agricultural season in 12 villages in the Koussanar communauté rurale covering 500 households.

In this report we share key accomplishments during the July– September 2013 quarter, including the risk reduction activities conducted during the 2013 agricultural season in Ethiopia, and present summary findings of the process evaluation conducted in Senegal for the 2013 pilot implementation



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