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Documenting the R4 Global Partnership in Ethiopia and Senegal

Successes and Challenges

The R4 Rural Resilience Initiative is a strategic partnership between Oxfam America and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). The partnership sought to develop proof of concept and then scale up an integrated risk management framework to help smallholder farmers cope with the impacts of climate change and strengthen their food and income security. In 2020, R4 reached the stage where the World Food Programme is well positioned to mainstream R4’s comprehensive risk management approach and take it to the next level with national governments, and the time has come for Oxfam America to transition out. This report is an effort to document institutional knowledge from actors involved in the design and implementation of R4 and to capture the lessons R4 has generated; it is also a step in Oxfam’s responsible exit from the program. This report is intended to inform the next phase of R4 and the development sector more broadly as it engages in similar partnerships—particularly those that are multistakeholder (involving an international nongovernmental organization, UN agency, the private sector, and government), global or multicountry, and long-term in nature.


Oxfam America

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