2019 Oxfam America Annual Report_web-2.jpg

Annual Report 2019

Across Yemen, Puerto Rico, Bangladesh, Syria, Central America, and Mozambique, among many other places, our work is delivering tangible, measurable impact: providing lifesaving aid, partnering with local organizations to achieve long-term solutions, and using our strong policy voice to advocate for change.

Our efforts are supporting people and building their resilience in complex, often-volatile contexts. In Central America and Mexico, we partnered with local teams and communities to provide humanitarian support to thousands of people fleeing their homes because of violence and poverty, while simultaneously working to address the drivers that cause them to flee. In the US, we influenced substantive legislative policy shifts calling for the Trump administration to end its support for the horrific Saudi-led war in Yemen. In southern Africa, we reached cyclone survivors with much-needed assistance, and in South Sudan, we supported families battling the extreme hunger crisis.

With your support, we continued to help women and their families create lasting solutions to lift themselves from extreme poverty. Increasing the power, voice, and well-being of marginalized women is a precondition to tackling the injustice of poverty—and thus is a key outcome by which we measure the impact and efficacy of our work. To that end, we place a feminist lens on our policy analysis and research, our partnership approaches, our humanitarian engagement, and our hiring practices—and through all aspects of our work—to assure we are addressing the root causes of poverty, inequality, and injustice.

All of this is challenging, life-changing work—and none of it would be possible without your generosity and commitment to us, and to the people and communities we serve. Thank you. We are so grateful for your partnership.

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Annual report