Dãnia Davy

Senior Policy Advisor, US Southeast Region

[email protected]

Dãnia serves as Senior Policy Advisor, US Southeast Region at Oxfam, an international humanitarian organization where she leads Justice40 implementation and state-level policy advocacy in Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, & North Carolina amplifying the leadership of feminine and minoritized peoples on the frontlines of climate change. She previously served as Director of Land Retention and Advocacy at the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund. After double concentrating in Community Health and Africana Studies at Brown University, she earned her J.D. at University of Virginia School of Law. Dãnia began her legal career as a Skadden Fellow at the NCABL Land Loss Prevention Project implementing a project she designed which provided community education and estate planning services to improve Black farmers' access to legal services in the rural South. Dãnia currently serves on the board of the Farmers Legal Action Group & Southern Rural Development Center. She was featured in the Gaining Ground: The Fight for Black Land documentary, wrote "What Would a Pro-Black Farmer Policy Regime Look Like? - Nonprofit Quarterly" and teaches "Examining Food System Equity through Critical Race Theory" at Vermont Law & Graduate School. Dãnia is the proud mom of an amazing 10-year-old!