Extreme inequality and poverty

Billionaires and corporations thrive as millions struggle to survive. Explore Oxfam’s new inequality report, “Inequality Inc.,” and take action.

Billionaires’ fortunes are booming. The world's five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes since 2020—at a rate of $14 million per hour—while five billion people have become poorer.

This growing inequality is no accident. Seven out of 10 of the world’s biggest corporations have either a billionaire CEO or a billionaire as their principal shareholder. And by squeezing workers, dodging taxes, and privatizing the public sector, corporations are using their power to direct profits to the super-rich.

Oxfam’s new report, Inequality Inc., is about fundamental choices: Do we accept a new era of billionaire supremacy, or do we use our public power to transform our economies in ways founded upon equality and dignity? Do we pay out profits to already rich shareholders, or do we pay workers fair wages? Learn more and take action with Oxfam today.

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Inequality Inc.

Oxfam's new inequality report is out. Take a deep dive into how billionaire wealth and corporate power are connected and why we must embrace public services, rein in corporate power, and reinvent business to create a more equal world.

Read the report