Fact sheets

  1. Fact sheet

    Where's all the money?

    Developing countries are producing trillions of dollars in oil and minerals each year, generating massive revenues that could help build schools, hospitals, and roads.

  2. Fact sheet

    Nepal Earthquakes

    The powerful earthquakes that struck Nepal in April and May 2015 took thousands of lives and reduced entire communities to rubble.

  3. Fact sheet

    Oil, gas and mining industries: Women's rights at risk

    It’s a 21st-century paradox: Countries endowed with oil, gas, and mineral resources frequently suffer in poverty—and women are disproportionately affected.

  4. Fact sheet

    Haiti Progress Report 2014

    On Jan. 12, 2010, a massive earthquake hit Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince, killing 220,000 people, injuring 300,000, and severely damaging great swaths of the city. While enormous challenges remain as the country continues its recovery, Oxfam is committed to helping Haitians and their government build a stronger, more resilient nation.

    Haiti progress report cover.JPG
  5. Fact sheet

    Inequality and Extreme Poverty

    The rigged rules of our economic and political system hold our economy back and make it tough for hardworking people to get ahead. But there are practical, smart reforms that will help reduce inequality and level the playing field—so people everywhere can prosper.

  6. Fact sheet

    Crisis in Sudan

    Armed conflict has once again forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes. Oxfam is working closely with communities and local partners to protect lives and build a better future.

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