Oxfam Delivering 390,000 Gallons of Water a Day in Lebanon Relief Effort


Oxfam is delivering 1.5 million liters (390,000 gallons) of vital fresh drinking water every day to war-ravaged Lebanon -- enough to provide the basic daily needs of 50,000 people. The UN has identified the supply of clean water as one of the major aid priorities.

Delivering water to affected villages has been a race against time, as water pipes, generators, pumps, and electricity supplies have been destroyed or severely damaged in the conflict.

"In some of the villages, 80 percent of homes have been destroyed along with vital water systems of pipelines and large water storage reservoirs,” said Simon Springett, Country Program Manager for Oxfam.

"Access to clean drinking water and water for personal hygiene is vital to keeping people healthy in the wake of such a humanitarian disaster. We've geared up our delivery to bring immediate relief to families, but we're also working to repair water systems to enable villages to supply their own water again."

Oxfam, working with contractors and partners, is now supplying 1.2 million liters (312,000 gallons) a day to seven villages in south Lebanon and 360,000 liters (93,600 gallons) a day to the heavily bombed southern suburbs of Beirut.

Damage caused by the bombing has cut electricity to many villages and they now rely on emergency generators. Oxfam is providing a large generator to the southern town of Sifra that will pump enough water to supply the 12,000 local residents. Oxfam will also be assisting five southern towns to repair the pumping capacity of their main water supply wells. Where generators are working, Oxfam is supplying 300 liters (78 gallons) of fuel a day.

Oxfam is also supplying:

  • 1,800 hygiene kits
  • 4,800 buckets for water storage
  • 350 kits for debris clearance
  • 350 toilet cleaning kits
  • 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) of water pipe
  • 440 x 1,000-liter water tanks
  • 300 liters (78 gallons) a day of fuel in five towns to support water pumping
  • 8 machines for spraying insecticides
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